Great Tips For losing Weight
By: Peter Goligher
This article will give you a basic guideline regarding losing weight.
This article will give you a basic guideline regarding losing weight.
1. Breakfast Counts! - Getting into the habit of eating breakfast gets you and your metabolism on a regular schedule and our bodies do better with a routine. For quick and easy breakfasts try a piece of fruit, granola bar, yoghurt, hardboiled egg on toast, English muffin with peanut butter, cereal, frozen waffles, oatmeal, or even just a glass of milk or juice.
2. Fitness exercise - This should consist of a good brisk daily walk for about half an hour. Don’t be a fair weather walker, go out regardless of the weather; just make sure to dress appropriately. An effective alternative to going outside is walking up and down a building staircase. This option is excellent for your heart, as well as maintaining leg muscles. To maintain a constant progression, try to increase your pace on a weekly basis. Set goals and gradually increase your distances. If possible, alter your cardiovascular sessions for an even more effective work out: use the staircase one day, and walk around the block on other days.
3. Motivation is key - You need to encourage yourself to achieve the goals that you have set at the beginning. Write your goal down on a piece of paper and place the paper at places where you will always see it, such as computer screen, telephone, etc. Also write down the consequences that you will face if you fail to achieve the goal. Be brutally honest with yourself.
4. Get Rest and Lose Stress - Stress can actually cause your metabolism to feign. Stress also causes a person, in many cases, to eat more than usual, which, of course, adds to the problem of gaining weight. Be sure to try, as much as possible, to relieve you of stress as much as possible, and with this, get proper rest. Sleeping too much equals less exercise, whereas, sleeping too little can cause irritability, which in turn, causes stress, and weight gain. With patience and determination, you can be sure that you can stabilize your metabolism levels, which would do nothing less than revitalize your entire life!
5. Don’t make eating boring - You can’t cut yourself off entirely from your favourite foods. You will want to cut back on them and maybe use them as a reward for good progression in your diet. At the end of the day if you do things right the occasional chocolate bar or soda pop is not going to make a difference on the out come
6. Water is key - This is probably the most important tip of all. Almost all of us are guilty of consuming too little water. We need to remember that metabolism is a process that requires water. Water is necessary for proper isotonic balance of body fluids and also to help in transportation of waste products of metabolism. When we consume too little water the body tends to slow down metabolism simply because it cannot ensure an optimal metabolism and getting rid of waste products. Therefore the secret to unlocking metabolism starts with drinking enough water. As a general rule we should all consume at least 8 glasses of water a day. Studies have shown drinking enough water could lead to a loss of about 50 calories a day - enough to shed 5 pounds in a year.
Learn to cook healthy meals the easy way at http://www.cookyourselfthinrecipes.com/
Learn to cook healthy meals the easy way at http://www.cookyourselfthinrecipes.com/
Article Source: http://greatarticlesformoms.com
This article can be printed in it’s entirety as long the author's bio box is intact and all links are live and clickable. Author reserves sole ownership of the article.
This article can be printed in it’s entirety as long the author's bio box is intact and all links are live and clickable. Author reserves sole ownership of the article.
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